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What is Wood Flour?

Wood Flour is a finely ground Wood Powder. It is made by grinding, sizing and drying a consistent product. The size of the finished product is typically between 50 and 2,000µm and the size should be consistent through the whole batch. In addition to using Wood as the primary base product, Macadamia Nut Shells can also be used for a high quality product.


Wood flour is commonly used as a filler in thermosetting resins such as Polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride, also known as Bakelite; and in Linoleum floor coverings. Wood flour is also the main ingredient in wood/plastic composite building products such as decks and roofs.


MicroMilling Wood Flour products are sold for the automotive industry for interior panels, to the plastics industry and can also be used for Explosives, Fireworks and the Metal Casting Industry. Macadamia Nutshell Flour is also used as a component of glue in the manufacture of plywood.

Our Wood Flour is used in Products such as:

  • Bakelite

  • Linoleum

  • Plastics

  • Filler for Wood Glue 

  • Epoxy and Resign

  • Plastic Extrusion

  • Paints

  • Oil Absorbents

  • Spill Kits


Did you know that there have been a number of innovative uses of Wood Flour proposed. As early as 1960 a number of uses for Wood Flour were identified by researchers. These included use in Medical Dressings, Wallpaper Coating, Powder Fuel, and Battery Filler. Because of the consistent particle size and moisture in wood flour there are many uses that are still being discovered.


Photo Credit: RoadKill Photography

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